A. No. The word was split in two after the seventeenth century, and we have used only half of it ever since. Remember, they used to say “Zounds!” a lot back then, and a simple expression like “Zounds! I’ll be over eftsoons” tended to confuse “Zounds” with “soons.” So they gradually dropped the “soons” part for about 150 years, saying “Zounds! I’ll be there eft” before hanging up the telephone, even before they had telephones. But in the middle of the nineteenth century, just before Alexander Graham Bell invented the cracker that bears his name, they shifted back over to “soon,” leaving off the s, which they really didn’t strictly have to do because they had dropped “Zounds,” both with and without the exclamation mark, entirely by then. Linguistic change is so skittish.... “Eft,” by the way, dropped the t by animadversion and became ef, the sixth letter of the alphabet.
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